Tuesday, October 25, 2011


How hilarious is this and how do I get some? Who wouldnt want butter flavoured lip balm especially with that tagline!
Paula Deen Chapstick

Paula Deen Chapstick
I had no idea there was a wee review of Kitchen Coquette in the Australian last weekend by the food detective. Thank you to the person who kindly sent this to me. Also have had a few questions about the book launch so photo of me in action below (and no I wont be posting more than one). And for the chocaholic queries I received, I went through 6kg of couveture chocolate but in turn sold Kinokuniya out of their pre-release books - whoever said chocolate wasn't the best bribery!
Also sorry for the slackness on the recipe front - should have some more by the end of the week.

Review from The Australian 22 October
AT last, a cookbook whose chapters are not arranged by season. Kitchen Coquette by Katrina Meynink (Allen & Unwin, $39.99) is a cute compendium of dishes ordered by occasion; from Moveable Feasts and Love and Other Bruises to What the F*$k Should We Cook for Dinner? Detective has her eye on the chocolate and salted caramel brownies under the Awkward Moments section, described as "the crack cocaine of the PMS world -- plenty of sugar, fat and salt for that slight bittersweet tang of hormonal resentment". Woe betide anybody foolhardy enough to come near her when she's eating them, though.

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